year 5 - Out and About - Week 1 & 2

Lesson 1

Learning Intention: 

I can compares Japanese and Australian customer service practices. 

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

I can identify language used within Japanese and Australian customer service and explain how this reflects the culture of it’s country


Learning Intention:

I can identify a stationery item.

Success Criteria : I will be succesful when... 

I can identify a stationery item and translate this to English/Japanese.

Materials: Classroom object flashcards.  Irashaimase! Poster.

Greetings in Japanese – mark roll etc (10 min)

Introduce - 'irashaimase!'

How is this similar or different to what shop assistants say here in Australia?

Introduce stationery words. (10 min)

Notebook – no-to

Eraser  -   keshigomu

Pencil  - enpitsu

Ruler  - monosashi

Scissors - hasami


Pacman (20 min)

Lesson 2

Learning Intention: 

I can identify specific points of information.

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

I can use Japanese to share the cost of an item.


Materials: 1x help sheet per person.

Mark roll , revise rules (5 min)

Revise - irashaimase!  You Tube clip from previous lesson (5 min)

Give out Help sheet for this term and glue into book (10 min)

0-100 years in Japan  (5 min)

Revise kanji for Yen -  (10 min) 

Introduce numbers up to ¥1000.

Around the World  Game


Japanese currency is called 

Yen or En


Ikura desu ka

いくら です か

$1 ¥100 hyaku en  

$2 ¥200 ni hyaku en

$3 300  san hyaku en

$4 400 yon hyaku en

$5 ¥500 go hyaku en

$6 600  hyaku en

$7 ¥700  nana hyaku en

$8 ¥800  hachi hyaku en

$9 ¥900  kyuu hyaku en

$10 1000 sen en

Lesson 3

Learning Intention: 

I can identify specific points of information.

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

I can use Japanese to share the cost of an item.


Greeting, mark roll, revise rules (5 min)

Insiders guide to etiquette clip - give out books (10 minutes)

Revise Learning wall - students find these in their books- irashaimase! Revise Japanese money – 2x kanjis 円and ¥ - hyaku. (5 min)

Revise 'Ikura desu ka?' song and gestures -  (5 min)

Role play activity - ikura desu ka? - Practice with a partner - share with the group. (10 min)

Noughts and crosses if time.

Ikura desu ka

いくら です か