What builds a good team?

Week 5&6

Lesson 1

Cool Japan Clip

Pacman/ Gimkit – language focus words

My Awesome Trip to Japan 

Katta - I won!                      Maketa - I lost.

Hai - Yes                                Iie - No

Hajimemashou - Let's start

Jyouzu desu ne - You are good at that.

Daijoubu desu ka   - Are you ok?

Daijobu desu  - I'm ok.

Arigatou - Thankyou

Faito/Ganbare/Ganbatte-You can do it! Go go go! Keep trying!

Lesson 2

-Act out story Momotaro 

- Watch You Tube Clip

-Draw/ write momotaro

Week 3

Emoji Unit

History of emoji – You Tube Clip

Emoji quiz powerpoint

Emoji Craft - Draw your own Emoji /Emoji messages / Emojipedia - emojipedia.org

Emoji-maker.com and then draw this.

うれしい  ureshii happy

かなしい kanashii sad

しんどい  shindoi tired

ふざける huzakeru silly

かしこい kashikoi smart