How do we celebrate?

Lesson 1

Sense's Japan Photos

Lesson 2

Learning Intention: 

I can identify language used when celebrating in Japan and explain how this is used 

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

 I can identify phrases used when celbrating in Japan and can use this in specific situations

Greeting, mark roll, revise rules (10 min)

Learning Wall - Glue learning wall into books (5 min)

Top 10 Festivals in Japan You Tube Clip - watch while glueing sheets into book.

Omedetou Powerpoint - Introduce 'Omedetou'. (below) 

Puni Puni Clip - Introduce months of the year.

Buzzer team game - 3 teams. - focus on omedetou & months of the Year.

Happy Birthday – Otanjoubi omedetou!

おたんじょうび  おめでとう

Happy New Year – Akemashite omedetou!

あけまして おめでとうございます

Congratulations – Omedetou!


Lesson 3

Greeting, mark roll, revise rules (10 min)

Christmas PowerPoint and prediction sheet (15 minutes)

Students make predictions about Christmas in Japan by ticking the boxes, as a whole group we read the Power-point and find out what really happens in Japan.

You Tube Clip – KFC for Christmas in Japan


Educandy games – Months of the year – Find these in Teams- Files - Class Materials