What builds a good team?
Week 3&4
Lesson 1
Greeting, roll, revise rules. (10 min)
Revise compliments in Japan (5 min)
Gimkit – What makes a good team? Language focus (40 minutes)
Katta - I won! Maketa - I lost.
Hai - Yes Iie - No
Hajimemashou - Let's start
Jyouzu desu ne - You are good at that.
Daijoubu desu ka - Are you ok?
Daijobu desu - I'm ok.
Arigatou - Thankyou
Faito/Ganbare/Ganbatte-You can do it! Go go go! Keep trying!
Lesson 2
Greetings, roll, rules (10 min)
Revise- accepting compliments in Japan. (5 min)
Match-up focus language worksheet.
Dare desu ka - game. One person covers their eyes. Have to guess who has the object. (20 min)
Week 3
Roll, greeting, revise rules (10 min)
Greeting song
Revise giving and receiving compliments- powerpoint (5 min)
Revise 'ganbarre' and 'faito'. (10 min) Would we use 'faito' in Australia? (5 min)
Daruma San - funny face game (15 min)
Japanese whispers (10 min)