out and about in japan
Week 3&4
Lesson 1
Learning Intention:
I can identify details about a shopping trip
Success Criteria: I will be successful when ..
I can use my prior knowledge and learning wall to translate information about what someone has purchased and how much it costs
Materials: Add counters - ko and Zenbu de to learning wall.
Greeting, mark roll, revise rules (5 min)
Ikura desu ka? Song. Revise song (5 minutes)
Powerpoint - Role play practice -students practice with a buddy (30 minutes)
If time - write questions in book.
Lesson 2
Learning Intention:
I can identify details about a shopping trip
Success Criteria: I will be successful when ..
I can use my prior knowledge and learning wall to translate information about what someone has purchased and how much it costs
Materials : stationery whole group focus language poster. Role-play print-out.
Greeting, mark roll, revise rules (5 min)
Role-play – Listening and cut&paste activity (30 minutes)
Early finish - Japanese crossword