Week 1&2
lesson 1
Learning Intention:
I can talk about myself in Japanese.
Success Criteria: I will be successful when ..
I can share my name in Japanese.
I can share something that I like and dislike in Japanese.
Greeting, roll, rules (10 min)
Whole group – language revision – onamae wa nan desu ka? ____ desu. ga suki desu/ ga suki ja nai desu. (15 min)
Introduce new language – Cyber Bunny – Days of the Week (5 min)
Janken Ashi Game (10 min)
Introduce new language – Cyber Bunny – Days of the Week (5 min)
Lesson 2
Learning Intention:
I can describe the location of places around the world.
Success Criteria: I will be successful when ..
I can describe the location of places using -ni arimasu.
Materials: Describing places flashcards. Help sheet. Doko desu ka? Powerpoint.
Greeting, roll, rules (5 min)
Give out help sheet – glue into books (5 min)
Myu song – days of the Week. (5 min)
Big Book – PowerPoint Quiz - Doko desu ka? Quiz. Students must guess where this place is using ni arimasu. (15 min)
Introduce new adjectives – describing places (quiet, lively, busy) (5 min)
Game – revise colours - whole group- shoot a goal -four teams game! (15 min)
Lesson 3
Learning Intention:
I can describe the location of places around the world.
Success Criteria: I will be successful when ..
I can describe the location of places using -ni arimasu.
Materials- add adjective list to wall (extended version) Writing printable 1x per child.
Greeting, roll, rules (5 min)
Days of the Week Song My (5 min)
Doko desu ka – Quick revision (10 min)
Writing activity – printable – write on the board (10 min)
Revise adjectives - from help sheet (5 min)
Adjective game – use in a sentence (15 min)