Week 5&6

lesson 1

Learning Intention: 

I can write a short descriptive text about an amazing space.

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

I can share..

* the name of my place

* the location using - ni arimasu.

*when I go there

*verbs describing what I do there

Whole group language focus – Write about a place together using desk mat. (10 min) 

Name of place? 

Where is it? 

When do you go? 

What do you do there? 

Introduce verbs- give out verb list. 

Memory game – how many can you remember. ___  o tabemasu/  ____ o nomimasu.  How far around the room can we go? 

Pacman – with new verbs. 

Lesson 2

Learning Intention: 

I can write a short descriptive text about an amazing space.

Success Criteria: I will be successful when .. 

I can share..

* the name of my place

* the location using - ni arimasu.

*when I go there

*verbs describing what I do there

Mark roll, revise rules etc. (10 min)

WHole group - write about a famous place using 'learning wall' (15 min)

Lesson 3